RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(FEMALE) 26 Apr 1991, 910100, Dark Chocolate Breeder = Victor Kennon
Owner = Kathryn Little
Status = Mare
Date_Certified = 1993-11-29
Height = 14.3
Inbreeding = 0.00%
Sire JOHNSON'S TOBY  (MALE) 01 Jul 1972 19720700 Chocolate, Breeder=Wendell Johnson, Owner=Wendell Johnson, Status=Deceased, Date_Certified=1986-11-09, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=23.44%
Dam V.K.'S PRINCESS  (FEMALE) G-77001 Dark Bay, Breeder=Unknown Breeder, Owner=Victor Kennon, Status=Grade Mare, Date_Certified=1989-04-17, Height=15.1, Inbreeding=0.00%
Foal 1
27 Mar 1995
BLUE RAIN  (MALE) 10 May 1989 890024 Chocolate, Breeder=Paul Watson, Owner=Randall Stutman, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=1991-09-12, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=7.81%
  1. TANS RAIN QUEEN  (FEMALE) 27 Mar 1995 950185 Red Chocolate, Breeder=J.Sim Tan, Owner=Nancy And John Mize, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=2000-06-28, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=7.28%
Foal 2
27 Apr 1996
ANNA'S LUCKY GAMBLER  (MALE) 29 Apr 1989 890073 Chocolate, Breeder=Anna Townsend, Owner=Mary Kay Ryan, Status=Gelding, Date_Certified=1991-07-31, Height=14.2, Inbreeding=2.34%
  1. DESERT WIND  (MALE) 27 Apr 1996 960220 Sorrel, Breeder=J.Sim Tan, Owner=Mark & Kathy Gunter, Status=Not Certified, Date_Certified=0000-00-00, Inbreeding=4.83%
Foal 3
04 May 2002
CHOCO DOCK  (MALE) 25 Mar 1987 19870325 Chocolate, Breeder=Unknown Breeder, Owner=Triple S Mountain Horse Ranch, L, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=1990-04-21, Height=15, Inbreeding=0.00%
  1. STRYKER  (MALE) 04 May 2002 2002008405 Black, Breeder=Nancy And John Mize, Owner=Nancy And John Mize, Status=Gelding, Date_Certified=2006-10-05, Height=15, Inbreeding=2.69%
Foal 4
27 Jun 2003
DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER  (MALE) 23 Apr 1994 940283 Chocolate, Breeder=Kelly Martin, Owner=David Pace, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=1996-05-10, Height=15.1, Inbreeding=5.27%
  1. MIDNIGHT TUCKER  (MALE) 27 Jun 2003 2004011417 Bay, Breeder=Nancy Mize, Owner=Nancy Mize, Status=Not Certified, Date_Certified=0000-00-00, Inbreeding=9.23%