RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(FEMALE) 24 Mar 2000, 2001007023, Black Breeder = Eugene French
Owner = John And Chris French
Status = Mare
Date_Certified = 2003-06-14
Height = 14.2
Inbreeding = 5.65%
Sire DARK CRUSADER  (MALE) 06 May 1997 970208 Seal Brown, Breeder=Eugene Sebastian, Owner=Wm/Patricia Christen, Status=Deceased, Date_Certified=1999-03-27, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=5.49%
Dam FRENCH'S VELVET  (FEMALE) 05 Mar 1987 19870305 Dark Chocolate, Breeder=Marcus Cole, Owner=John And Chris French, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=1990-02-03, Height=14.2, Inbreeding=5.15%