RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(FEMALE) 19 Apr 2004, 2004012185, Chestnut Breeder = Steve & Sarah Davis
Owner = Jeremy Bucher
Status = Mare
Date_Certified = 2006-12-30
Height = 14.2
Inbreeding = 10.00%
Sire THIEF IN THE NIGHT  (MALE) 03 May 2000 2001007575 Black Roan, Breeder=Bruce and Myra Addington, Owner=Carolyn Sakolsky, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=2002-08-17, Height=15, Inbreeding=8.87%
Dam DOT-O-WHITE  (FEMALE) 24 Jul 1993 930363 Chocolate, Breeder=E. Davis, Jr., Owner=Steve & Sarah Davis, Status=Deceased, Date_Certified=1995-04-21, Height=14.2, Inbreeding=0.00%