RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(FEMALE) 18 Apr 2001, 24524336, Black Breeder = Bruce and Myra Addington
Owner = Mike & Kathy Hartong
Status = Mare
Date_Certified = 2004-01-16
Height = 14.2
Inbreeding = 8.87%
Sire FAIRWINDS RIMINGTON WEST  (MALE) 04 Mar 1997 970074 Black Roan, Breeder=Wayne & Connie Robinson, Owner=Joe Turner, Status=Deceased , Date_Certified=0000-00-00, Height=15.3, Inbreeding=1.42%
Dam DOC'S LITTLE BABE  (FEMALE) 31 May 1992 920110 Chestnut, Breeder=K. Lear, Owner=Bruce and Myra Addington, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=1995-05-29, Height=14, Inbreeding=2.17%