RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(MALE) 15 Jun 2006, 2006014868, Chocolate Breeder = Mtn. Magic Land & Livestock,Llc
Owner = Aaron & Wendy Montgomery
Status = Must Be Gelded
Date_Certified = 0000-00-00
Inbreeding = 7.79%
Sire LAST OF THE MOHICANS  (MALE) 28 Apr 1998 1998005197 Red Chocolate, Breeder=E.R. & Aleitha Davis, Owner=Nathan Smith, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=2000-07-12, Height=15, Inbreeding=10.55%
Dam PREWITT'S MADISON  (FEMALE) 19 May 2001 G2004011684 Black, Breeder=Mtn. Magic Land & Livestock,Llc, Owner=Mtn. Magic Land & Livestock,Llc, Status=Grade Mare, Date_Certified=2004-07-04, Height=15, Inbreeding=0.00%