RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(MALE) 13 Jun 2001, 24523537, Chocolate Breeder = Marla Gilvin
Owner = Joe Sammon
Status = Must Be Gelded
Date_Certified = 0000-00-00
Inbreeding = 0.00%
Sire P AND T'S STONE COLD  (MALE) 02 Apr 1997 970355 Chocolate, Breeder=Robert Robinson, Jr, Owner=David Or Sherry Brown, Status=Gelding, Date_Certified=1999-03-27, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=8.50%
Dam GOLDEN LADY  (FEMALE) 28 Mar 1989 G-89047 Bay, Breeder=Marla Gilvin, Owner=Marla Gilvin, Status=Grade Mare, Date_Certified=2000-07-12, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=0.00%