RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(MALE) 22 May 2010, 2010043362, Chocolate Breeder = Tim Hatton
Owner = Whispering Oaks Farm of KY LLC
Status = Gelding
Date_Certified = 2013-02-16
Height = 14.2
Inbreeding = 6.93%
Sire STONE'S CHICAGO  (MALE) 01 Mar 2002 2002008863 Black, Breeder=Bruce and Myra Addington, Owner=Bobby McNatt, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=2004-05-09, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=3.91%
Dam MISTY RED STREAK  (FEMALE) 16 Apr 1994 940290 Chocolate, Breeder=Franklin Johnson, Owner=Whispering Oaks Farm of KY LLC, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=1996-07-26, Height=14.1, Inbreeding=6.52%