RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(FEMALE) 02 May 2009, 2010043225, Chocolate Breeder = Jerry & Reisha Toby
Owner = Chris Young
Status = Mare
Date_Certified = 2013-01-06
Height = 14.2
Inbreeding = 18.55%
Sire PRIDE OF ROE  (MALE) 15 Sep 1993 930368 Chocolate, Breeder=Tim Vivian,Dvm, Owner=John & Kim Stivers, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=1997-03-29, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=12.50%
Dam ALL THAT JAZZ  (FEMALE) 26 Feb 2004 2004012246 Chocolate, Breeder=Doug Mays, Owner=Pam Higgins, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=2007-07-13, Height=14.2, Inbreeding=12.01%