RMHA Pedigree Database

Offspring of:
(MALE) 19 May 2004, 2004012370, Black Breeder = Van Bert Farms
Owner = Van Bert Farms
Status = Stallion
Date_Certified = 2007-01-13
Height = 15.1
Inbreeding = 2.19%
Sire TOCO-MOTION  (MALE) 28 Feb 1999 2000006524 Seal Brown, Breeder=Chad Shepherd, Owner=Diana Bucher, Status=Stallion, Date_Certified=2001-04-28, Height=15, Inbreeding=6.52%
Dam REBEL'S SONG OF THE SOUTH  (FEMALE) 22 Mar 1997 970244 Gray, Breeder=Van Bert Farms, Owner=Van Bert Farms, Status=Mare, Date_Certified=1999-10-05, Height=14.3, Inbreeding=0.67%